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Artwork of a woman on a ladder, looking out to the sun.

Fixed or Growth Mindset – Which Type of Family Are You?

A fixed mindset often focuses solely on the end result. A growth mindset focuses on the journey and the effort put in, and not on the end result itself. Neither of these are wrong nor bad, as encouraging your child is always a great thing to do. However, by parenting from a growth mindset, you instill the idea of resilience and learning to achieve goals. So, how can you move your family from a fixed to a growth mindset? 
Picture of a thank you card next to some flowers

Recognition vs. Appreciation: What Makes a Greater Impact?

While the words “employee recognition” and “employee appreciation” are often used interchangeably, they are very different. Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for both; however, it is important to understand their differences and apply them correctly for optimal outcomes.
Pictured of glass shattered on the ground.

Shattered Pieces: A Story of Explosive Behavior in Foster & Adoptive Youth

A foster and adoptive mother shares her personal experiences of explosive behavior and how she was able to change her mindset to become proactive in her parenting.
Picture of a father sitting down with his child to write goals down.

Goal Setting as a Family

Have you ever set a goal for yourself or a new intention, and quickly found that it was unsustainable? This happens all too often when we set goals that are just too broad, and this practice is not one we want to instill in our children. Yes, being the best parent you can be is a great end goal, but you need smaller, actionable steps to get you there – and those steps are what should become your goals. 
Picture of someone's legs standing in a room with their cleaning supplies, ready to start cleaning.

Decluttering vs. Your Emotions

Decluttering is not just a physical process, it is emotional. Decluttering can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! Here are a few ways that help process your emotions as you declutter.
Picture of people holding their phones, displaying potential electronic clutter.

Decluttering Your Tech Can Declutter Your Mind

Spring is the epitome of a fresh start. We often spend time decluttering our spaces as we prepare our homes for warmer weather. What if we took this same mentality to freshen up our technology spaces that may also be drab and holding us back?
luggage and various items found and stored inside a garage

Thaw Out Your Cleaning Skills in Time for Spring

As we near springtime, I believe it’s important we take inventory of our environment. My own mental health is affected by cleanliness. I wouldn’t go as far as calling myself a neat freak, but I really don’t like clutter. For five years, I have worked on de-cluttering my mind from self-sabotaging thoughts due to clinical depression and anxiety. It’s always a bit of a battle for me, but I know in the long run, that taking small steps each day to de-clutter my world is important. If you struggle in this area yourself, you are not alone.
woman standing in an office building looking out a large picture window at city skyscrapers

You Are the Boss of You

Recently, I was contacted by a frontline staff member and new mom who asked to hear more about my career journey and any tips I had to help her excel in her career. Early in my career, I did the same thing. I, too, was a little hesitant and am so grateful to that senior leader who gave me her time. Here are some steps I’ve learned over the years to help you take control of your future.
Photo of a woman meditating on a couch

Making “Me” Time

One of the biggest shocks as a new foster parent is the complete upheaval of routines. Enter: children who never had a routine, innocent kids whose lives were completely uprooted, living in different phases of trauma. Routine and structure are things of privilege, but finding a way to love yourself is essential. Adoptive/foster parent Cherie Johnson shares five steps she took to make sure she made time for herself.
Photo of a man holding up a huge boulder as it starts to roll down a hill

The Overcomer: A Personal Story of Perseverance

Depression. An unceasing battle I had watched impact so many of those around me, but never expected to face myself. We all know the saying, “when it rains it pours,” and let me tell you, life REALLY can pour when it wants to. A year ago, I chose to seek out help and in doing so I saved my life.