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Connections between Depression & Suicide

What is the correlation between depression and suicide, and when should you be concerned?

Suicide Prevention For Young Adults

Luke Spiegelhoff, Clinical Director at Nexus-FACTS, joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to discuss suicide prevention for young adults as they move into adulthood.
Older woman looking out onto a lake pensively

Managing Depression

Depression is treatable and you can feel better. Try to take one small step towards feeling better today. Here are some ways to manage and improve symptoms and help those you care about, including yourself.

Additional Resources

picture of a sad person looking out a window

At Home Tips for Seasonal Depression

For those suffering from seasonal depression, or ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ (SAD), the oncoming of fall and winter can negatively impact their lives more than just the inconveniences of cold weather, snow, and icy conditions. Here are some at-home solutions you can try.
A depressed women

Suicide Warning Signs

People who are thinking of ending their life often exhibit one or more warning signs, either through what they say or what they do. There usually is not one clear reason for why someone may feel suicidal or that suicide is the only answer to their problems. Suicide is preventable and knowing the warning signs allows us to help those around us who may be feeling hopeless.

Hard Conversations with Teens

Talking about our own feelings, and in particular suicide, can be uncomfortable and overwhelming. Learn how to engage teens in a valuable, yet difficult conversation.

Connections between Depression & Suicide

What is the correlation between depression and suicide, and when should you be concerned?

Youth Suicide Prevention Tips

By understanding the risk factors and recognizing potential warning signs, you can help be the preventative eyes and ears for youth with suicidal intentions.
Young woman sitting outside next to a tree with her head in her hand, looking depressed.

It’s Spring – So Why Aren’t You Happy?

Over the past several years humanity has learned how to become resilient in isolation. Many of our face-to-face interactions and relationships were severed during COVID and as a result, we have developed long-term habitual loneliness. So how do we recover? To state it simply, a first step is "do then feel".
A white male with light brown hair, beard, and glasses lays on his stomach on a green couch reading on his cell phone.

The Best-of Dear Dr. Michelle

We started the Dear Dr. Michelle advice column at the height of COVID as an additional way to provide free, accessible help to those who may need it while navigating our new environment. As we transition back to pre-pandemic days, our Dear Dr. Michelle column is coming to a close. As a final hurrah, we wanted to share a list of our top ten most visited advice articles over the past two and half years.

Suicide Prevention For Young Adults

Luke Spiegelhoff, Clinical Director at Nexus-FACTS, joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to discuss suicide prevention for young adults as they move into adulthood.
Photo of a sad young adult female, holding her head in her hands

My Friend Died by Suicide. Is There Any Way I Could Get Through This Pain?

My friend committed suicide a week ago and I can’t stop blaming myself. Three weeks ago, he told me he wanted to commit suicide, but he was too scared. I did not think he would do it. He also wrote to me saying if we would meet, he might not want to kill himself. I keep reading those messages. I can’t get it out of my head. I am someone who suffers from depression and have been suicidal as well. I can’t do this anymore. Is there any way I could get through this pain? Are there any other realities other than depression? I’ve lost all hope.